Our job is to make your life less stressful. You have a lot of plates in the air, let us spin one for you.

KTK Design is all about you, the client. We began with the crazy concept that we could make your life a bit easier. Is that crazy, really? It shouldn’t be. At heart we’re problems solvers. You need help and we figure out the best solution for you. This isn’t about us or our needs, it’s all about you. And a little about dogs because we love dogs. And cats.
It doesn’t hurt that marketing and design is our passion. It’s what we do, and we do it well. Tight budgets? Hah, we laugh at tight budgets, then we figure out how to work with them. Sometimes we cry at tight budgets, but you can understand that, right? Either way we work to squeeze every budget until the last Lincoln penny cries uncle. Quick turn-around times? We just put on another pot of coffee and crunch out a schedule that makes it work! You say you are in need of the ultimate in creativity? Well let’s just say, “but of course!"
Our job has always been to make sure that our clients don’t have to sweat. If we can take some of the stress out of your day and make you look like a star at the same time, then we feel like we have done our job.
It’s just what we do.
KTK DESIGN 312.212.1500